What's a better price than, Free.99???? NOTHING!
This is the first installment of my Free to Fight the Fat resource blogs. Today's first is an absolute gem.... and before you read on.... you're welcome! ;)
1. www.livestrong.com <-- This is a fantastic site! I don't know how I can explain this anymore than equating it to this: www.livestrong.com is the hero, fat is the villain; if there were a billboard top hit, this would be the one stuck in your head all day; if you could take one website to the moon, you've found it; if this were a car, it would be a classic; if you thought a cheetah was fast, this breaks the sound barrier; GET IT?! [[USE THIS RESOURCE!]]
On this lovely,little big, site, you can find an entire community of individuals setting goals and accomplishing them. If you want to lose weight? Gain muscle? Get healthier? You can find others just like you. [Holla at that solidarity!]
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Solidarity is a great tool within itself, so to find it for free? great. There ARE options on the site to gain access to more of its tools at relatively low fees. I, personally, am perfectly content with the free membership. The
ABSOLUTE BEST TRAIT OF WWW.LIVESTRONG.COM? For me, I'd say, the My Plate option....
On this portion of the site (the puns continue) you can actually calculate, record, and monitor, your nutrition intake. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! It's annoying having to read through foods over and over in order to calculate what you are eating. Not everyone should be doing that anyway, it can be entirely discouraging for some, and I know that personally. However, I do love the My Plate feature of this site, because it allows me to monitor myself and what I am putting into my body. They have a DATABASE of foods so that you DO NOT HAVE TO ENTER IT MANUALLY. The point is, check out the site, and see what it has to offer for you. There are plenty of articles on health news, fitness workouts/tips, and explanations of the benefits of almost every nutrient, vitamin, mineral, etc. out there.
Thank you www.livestrong.com. You make lifestyle changes a little more manageable and sometimes quite pleasant, through community and resources.
p.s. They even take into account your exercise levels (and define them) along with other factors such as diabetes. (^-^)
Until next time, shut the door to negativity from you and from others. Open up as a conductor of positive energy only! Absorb the positive from the world, create it within, and send it on back out...and as always...
Be good to yourself, be good to others, and have a good day!
This is the first installment of my Free to Fight the Fat resource blogs. Today's first is an absolute gem.... and before you read on.... you're welcome! ;)
1. www.livestrong.com <-- This is a fantastic site! I don't know how I can explain this anymore than equating it to this: www.livestrong.com is the hero, fat is the villain; if there were a billboard top hit, this would be the one stuck in your head all day; if you could take one website to the moon, you've found it; if this were a car, it would be a classic; if you thought a cheetah was fast, this breaks the sound barrier; GET IT?! [[USE THIS RESOURCE!]]
On this lovely,
noun, plural -ties.
union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities andinterests, as between members of a group or betweenclasses, peoples, etc.: to promote solidarity among unionmembers.
community of feelings, purposes, etc.
community of responsibilities and interests.

ABSOLUTE BEST TRAIT OF WWW.LIVESTRONG.COM? For me, I'd say, the My Plate option....
On this portion of the site (the puns continue) you can actually calculate, record, and monitor, your nutrition intake. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! It's annoying having to read through foods over and over in order to calculate what you are eating. Not everyone should be doing that anyway, it can be entirely discouraging for some, and I know that personally. However, I do love the My Plate feature of this site, because it allows me to monitor myself and what I am putting into my body. They have a DATABASE of foods so that you DO NOT HAVE TO ENTER IT MANUALLY. The point is, check out the site, and see what it has to offer for you. There are plenty of articles on health news, fitness workouts/tips, and explanations of the benefits of almost every nutrient, vitamin, mineral, etc. out there.
Thank you www.livestrong.com. You make lifestyle changes a little more manageable and sometimes quite pleasant, through community and resources.
p.s. They even take into account your exercise levels (and define them) along with other factors such as diabetes. (^-^)
Until next time, shut the door to negativity from you and from others. Open up as a conductor of positive energy only! Absorb the positive from the world, create it within, and send it on back out...and as always...
Be good to yourself, be good to others, and have a good day!