Sunday, November 6, 2011

Being "Selfish': An Ironically Fundamental Rule

Being selfish is a good. thing.

Immediate question: 'How could you even suggest that, Rachelle?'
My immediate answer:  BECAUSE IT IS TRUE! 
In 2007, I started to realize the above true statement. ^ It is okay to be selfish. In fact? It's great to be selfish. defines selfish in several ways, but one that is blatant and true is the definition stating,


[sel-fish] Show IPA
devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.
Selfishness is not an attribute I would likely claim with pride, in just any circumstance. In the context of weight loss, however, it is absolutely and positively necessary. I found this to be true when I began my journey. Until 2007, I had spent my entire life worrying about other people and their issues. I didn't realize that I had built my life around the world, and had forgotten to include my own self! Within this realization, I took the time to observe those around me. In doing this, I realized that again, I had stumbled onto a trait which I share with a ton of people! I had to move once again in my life, out of the background, and into the center stage. (Patterns are lovely little things, but, they don't make for good get up! and get out!)
A fundamental rule of thumb:
*Rule : You must be selfish to lose weight. 
- In this instance, it's important to focus primarily on one's own self. It gets easier and easier to put aside one's own dreams and desires, and pick up the battlefront for someone else. This takes the focus away from ourselves, and magnifies the importance of others, until we, as individuals, disappear among the background. 
It's an admirable duty as an act of humanity to give and advocate for others. I believe in this wholeheartedly.In  truth, though, by selfishness, I mean you have to wake up, act on the weight loss project, and care enough for your own self to put yourself FIRST! Be an advocate for yourself. Losing weight, and let's be honest, setting any goal, is just a realignment of priorities. DO NOT FEEL GUILTY for putting YOURSELF FIRST. This was, for the first time in my life, a true realignment of priorities, and I became the center of interest in my own life story. My health and happiness came first, and that has made all the difference in the world.
Don't feel guilty because you opt out of eating that cake at the office, it's not shameful to put your health first. Feeling the judgment from those around you? "Do they look at me like just another dieter, doomed to fail?" 
Feel bad because you are taking some time for yourself to get your sweat on at the gym?
GOOD! You deserve to get in touch with your thoughts and clear your head on the treadmill. You deserve to lift some weights on the floor, and unburden some of life's weights in the process. 

I particularly have noticed a larger amount of women who put themselves last, especially in a family atmosphere. Ironically, the more you put yourself (in a healthy way) first, as far as getting healthier, losing weight, and leading an active life, the more you tend to see those around you acclimate in a positive way.
I began, as a healthy exercise, to remind myself the mornings and just before bed, that I deserved to play the lead role in my life. It helped me and still helps me to remind myself every now in that. Remind your own self, too. IT IS GOOD TO BE SELFISH.

You deserve to do something good for yourself. You deserve to get healthy. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live a higher quality of life. Know all of this, keep all of this, and use all of this.
****While writing this, the first google search I made for a healthy selfishness ended with this little blurb on WebMd. I'm glad to see that my reasoning, is something professionally backed, as well. Check out rule number 6. ;) ***** 

Until next time, remember: Be good to yourself, be good to others, and have a good day! <3 

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